Hi @mossified
Create Your Coin
Launch your creator coin in a few steps, with ~zero gas fees.
Coin Properties
For Creator Coins only. This is how much of your revenue on Focus you want to automatically send to your coin-holders.
Every time you earn money on Focus, owners of your coin will get a distribution so they share in your growth on the platform! You can always adjust this later.
You earn a trading fee every time someone buys or sells your coin. Half of this fee goes to you, while the other half goes to buy & burn $FOCUS.
If you're not sure, we recommend a fee of 10%. You can always adjust this fee later.
This is how much of the initial supply you will own. We recommend an ownership percentage of 50% but you can set it as high or as low as you want. High ownership percentages may deter traders.
The percentage you don't keep will be sold via an automated market-maker automatically, which you can configure later.
If you enable this option, holders of your coin can earn a yield for locking up your coin for a certain amount of time. This can create more demand for your coin. We recommend a default yield of 10% per year.
If you enable this option, the coins you receive from your Ownership Percentage will be locked for a certain amount of time. Setting this to at least six months can encourage traders.
AMM Advanced
All of these orders will be placed on the book after the auction period, and managed by your AMM service. If someone buys against one of your sell orders, it will convert to a bid, and vice versa if someone subsequenty sells against one of your bids.
This ensures there will always be a liquid market for your coin, assuming you've set your parameters reasonably...
Amount USD
Price USD
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